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indie pop, art punk performance
SADO OPERA is a queer performance group known for their extravagant and eccentric stage shows. Originally coming from St. Petersburg, Russia, the band has now become one of Berlin's craziest and most expressive music imports. The legendary US talk show host Conan O'Brien selected SADO OPERA as a musical symbol of Berlin and joined them onstage for his TV special about the German capital. The resident band of Wilde Renate - one of Berlin's most notorious nightclubs - SADO OPERA also plays shows throughout Europe, spreading their propaganda of unrestrained, gender-ambivalent love. Their songs offer a mix of energized beats, grooving basslines, crispy guitar, and swelling synthesizers, bringing to mind 80s punk funk, Nile Rodgers, Giorgio Moroder, and glorious ltalo-disco. The classy and sexually charged voice of bandleader The Colonel seduces his listeners, inspiring them to dream big and go wild.

Der Tagesspiegel

Surprisingly new sound in Berlin's musical landscape. Queer and kinky, high-energy flawless electro-pop number.
Indie Mag

One of Berlin's craziest and most expressive bands. On the front line of the underground scene.
Der Tagesspiegel

Looking like a fairytale mix of Kiss and Army of Lovers. Their shows contain fun, dancing, good music and ridiculous amounts of energy.


Pop Kultur Festival | DE | 28.08.20
First Russian Digital Queer Pride | RU | 16.06.20
Paradiso Club | NL | 30.11.19
Tallinn Music Week | ЕE | 30.03.19
The Great Escape festival | UK | 18.05.18
Sziget festival | HU | 11.08.17