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contemporary classical
Kirill Richter is currently one of Russia's brightest neoclassical composers. His album On the Way to the Beloved City begins with a sequence of moving and emotional piano waltzes that always leave a strong impression on the audience. Kirill believes that his pieces became popular with listeners because of the deep feelings they evoke when he performs his works. "My music is a soundtrack to life, it reflects things that happened to me. The stories that I tell somehow resonate in lives of others." He currently collaborates with cellist August Krepak and violinist Alena Zinovieva. Together they experiment with articulation of classical instruments. "I am moving away from electronic instruments, as I am interested in the limits of the timbral abilities of the acoustic ones. How do we make the violin sound like an electric guitar? How do we reproduce the sounds of breaking glass? How do we achieve the vibrating click produced by the Chinese plastic clock of my childhood? How do we express the rigidity of the world and its subordination to physical laws?" Their next album Chronos expresses the sincerity of life, bridging physics and dialectics.
Esquire Russia

Richter's career as an independent composer and performer began in 2016, and he took off decisively.

Richter has a unique style, which could be called expressive minimalism.
Interview Russia

The talented autodidact composes soundtracks for indie films and regularly performs in joint concerts with international neoclassical musicians.


The Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Main concert hall, Moscow, RU, 23.11.17
Reeperbahn festival, Hamburg, DE, 21.09.17

Novaya Gollandiya, St. Petersburg, RU, 24.08.17
Peter und Paul Kirche, Bayreuth, DE, 20.05.17

SOUND UP festival, House of Unions, Moscow, RU, 01.12.16
Gnesin Hall, Moscow, RU, 08.09.16